
What is an SFT?

What is an SFT?

Exploring Semi-fungible Tokens (SFTs): A New Frontier in Digital Ownership

The world of decentralized finance has been abuzz with the concept of fungibility, particularly since the spotlight shone on Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) in 2021. NFTs, celebrated for their uniqueness and a vast range of potential uses, have sparked curiosity and creativity, giving voice and financial security to millions of creators. Yet, they've also unveiled certain limitations.

To overcome these bottlenecks, Semi-fungible Tokens (SFTs) have been the latest innovation in this ever-evolving landscape. Among the pioneers in the SFT space, EYECO has been at the forefront, shaping the future of digital ownership. As the blockchain ecosystem continues to mature, it becomes increasingly essential for those invested in the space to understand the significance of SFTs and their transformative impact on the way we trade, perceive, and hold digital assets. 

This article serves as your gateway to understanding Semi-fungible Tokens. In this article, we will explore what SFTs are, their applications, and how EYECO is leading the charge in this exciting frontier.

Understanding Fungibility and Non-Fungibility

1. Defining Fungibility

Fungibility is a concept that might seem technical at the outset, but it's straightforward. Think about it like this: You have a dollar bill, and you want to buy a candy bar from a vending machine. You put your dollar in, and it doesn't matter which specific dollar you used; you still get your candy bar. In other words, one dollar is just as good as any other dollar when you're buying the candy.

Now, extend this idea to other things like gold or sugar. If you have an ounce of gold or a kilogram of sugar, you can trade it for another ounce or kilogram, and it's all the same. These are considered fully fungible items because each unit is entirely interchangeable with others of the same type and value.

2. What Is Non-Fungibility?

On the other hand, non-fungible items are so unique that you can't simply swap them out for something else. Imagine you have a rare collectible item, like a vintage baseball card signed by a famous player. It's one-of-a-kind, and there's no other card exactly like it. You can't trade it for a regular card and expect them to be equal, because they're not. Each one has its own history, value, and uniqueness.

In the digital world, this uniqueness is what gives Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) their value. Each NFT represents something special, like a piece of digital art or a limited-edition virtual item in a game. They're unique, and you can't exchange one NFT for another and expect them to be the same.

3. The Spectrum of Fungibility

Now, let's talk about the middle ground, where things get interesting. Fungibility isn't just an on-off switch; it's more like a sliding scale. 

On one end, you have fully fungible things like regular money. All the bills or coins of the same denomination are equal, and you can trade them without worrying about their individual histories.

As you move along the scale, you encounter semi-fungible items. These are the middle points between identical and unique. Take trading cards in a game as an example. Each card might have its unique design or abilities, but within the game, they all have the same value. So, while they're not identical, they're still somewhat interchangeable, especially in the context of the game. These semi-fungible assets, like Semi-fungible Tokens (SFTs), give us a way to balance uniqueness and interchangeability, making them versatile and useful in various applications.

What are Semi-fungible Tokens (SFTs)?

1. Defining SFTs

Semi-fungible Tokens, often abbreviated as SFTs, represent a unique category of digital assets that exist at the intersection of fungibility and non-fungibility. These tokens are distinguished by their ability to blend shared attributes with individuality, making them a remarkable presence in the world of digital assets.

SFTs can be created and managed on various blockchain ecosystems, including Solana, Ethereum, and others. They often adhere to standards such as ERC-1155 in the Ethereum ecosystem, providing a structured framework for their creation and management.

One defining feature of SFTs is their initial interchangeability. SFTs that are identical within a specific set or collection can be exchanged one-for-one without any loss of value. However, their interchangeability is not static; it evolves as they progress through their lifecycle. When traded or subjected to specific interactions, SFTs can become increasingly distinct from others in the same set, thereby shedding their interchangeability and becoming semi-non-fungible tokens.

2. The Interplay of Fungibility and Non-Fungibility

SFTs occupy a unique position on the spectrum between fully fungible and fully non-fungible assets. On one end of the spectrum, they share common attributes with identical tokens within the same set, allowing for one-to-one interchangeability. This means that initially, they can be traded and exchanged much like traditional fungible tokens.

However, what sets SFTs apart is their capacity to evolve. As they change hands or undergo transformations, SFTs can acquire new attributes or characteristics that distinguish them from their original versions. This dynamic evolution effectively removes their interchangeability with other SFTs within the same collection, aligning them more closely with non-fungible tokens (NFTs) in terms of uniqueness.

3. Properties and Characteristics of SFTs

Now, let's explore the three key properties and characteristics that define SFTs:

A. Divisibility

SFTs possess the unique quality of divisibility. This means that they can be divided into smaller units or fractions, offering a high level of flexibility. Holders of SFTs can own and trade fractional portions of these assets, enabling opportunities for fractional ownership or trading. This property is particularly valuable for assets like digital art, where ownership can be distributed among multiple investors.

B. Interchangeability

Initially, SFTs within the same set or collection exhibit interchangeability, allowing them to be exchanged one-for-one with identical SFTs without any loss of overall value. This characteristic resembles traditional fungible tokens' behavior, enabling smooth and fluid trading experiences.

C. Ownership and Provenance

SFTs leverage the transparency and immutability of blockchain technology to maintain a verifiable record of ownership and provenance. This ensures that the historical lineage of ownership for a specific SFT can be transparently traced and authenticated, adding trust and authenticity to digital assets.

Advantages and Limitations of SFTs

Advantages of SFTs:

In the ever-evolving landscape of blockchain technology and digital assets, Semi-fungible Tokens (SFTs) have emerged as a fascinating innovation. Their unique combination of attributes offers a multitude of advantages that are reshaping how we think about and interact with digital assets. In this section, we will explore the distinct benefits of SFTs, ranging from their remarkable versatility to the empowerment of fractional ownership.

Limitations of SFTs:

While Semi-fungible Tokens (SFTs) hold immense promise and innovation, they are not without their set of limitations and challenges. As a relatively nascent concept in the blockchain space, SFTs face hurdles related to comprehension, adoption, and specific use cases. In this section, we will discuss the limitations associated with SFTs, including the potential complexities for newcomers to the blockchain world, their niche applicability, and the ongoing journey toward broader market recognition. 

Recognizing and addressing these limitations is pivotal to EYECO’s ability to navigate and effectively exploit the best features of the dynamic landscape of digital assets.

Specific Use Cases and Applications of SFTs

In this section, we will explore the use cases and applications of SFTs, delving into a key domain where SFTs are making a significant impact today. This area represents a distinct canvas where SFTs paint a future that combines the best of both fungible and non-fungible worlds.

Representing Real-World Assets

With SFTs entering the DeFi realm, the advent of SFT-based trading platforms allows semi-fungibility to vastly improve trading experiences for merchants, vendors, and investors.  For example, EYECO, as an emerging player in the world of Semi-Fungible Tokens (SFTs), is redefining how we represent real-world assets in the digital realm. By allowing investors to trade unique SFTs that are directly linked to retail merchants’ sales of specific products,  EYECO leverages SFTs to bridge the gap between the physical and digital worlds:

One distinctive feature of EYECO's approach to SFTs is that they retain their intrinsic value up until the underlying real-world product is sold. At that point, the owner of the SFT can collect the premium and profit associated with the transaction. Once this transfer of value occurs, the token no longer holds any intrinsic worth and is not reutilized on the platform. This ensures that the value proposition of EYECO's SFTs remains closely tied to tangible, real-world assets.

To maintain the integrity of its SFT ecosystem, EYECO restricts the minting process. Only verified and approved merchants are granted the privilege to mint SFTs on the platform. This rigorous verification process helps ensure that the SFTs represent legitimate, high-quality real-world assets, providing users with confidence in their investments.

EYECO's use case goes beyond mere representation; it enhances the liquidity and accessibility of real-world assets. By tokenizing these assets into SFTs, EYECO opens up new avenues for investors, enabling fractional ownership and facilitating trade on digital platforms. This democratizes access to assets that were traditionally reserved for a select few, making investments more inclusive and liquid.

Minting SFTs

Minting Semi-fungible Tokens (SFTs) is the process of creating these unique digital assets on a blockchain. The minting process typically involves several key steps:

  1. Smart Contracts: Minting is often facilitated by smart contracts; self-executing contracts with the terms of the agreement directly written into code. These contracts define the rules for creating and managing SFTs, including attributes like rarity, divisibility, and initial interchangeability.

  2. Metadata and Attributes: SFT creators define the unique attributes and properties of each token during the minting process. This can include details like utility and any initial shared characteristics.

  3. Blockchain Compatibility: Creators must choose a blockchain platform compatible with SFT standards, such as Ethereum's ERC-1155 or Solana, to mint their tokens.


When SFTs are incorporated on trading platforms like EYECO, only verified and approved merchants on the interface are allowed to mint SFTs.

The Future of SFTs

In the ever-evolving landscape of blockchain-based finance, Security Token Offerings (STOs) are set to revolutionize the issuance and trading of securities. EYECO's journey with SFTs is characterized by an unrelenting pursuit of innovation, and the platform envisions an even more thrilling future on the horizon.

EYECO recognizes the importance of scalability in ensuring that SFTs can meet the demands of a growing user base. Anticipated developments, include scaling solutions that can process a higher volume of transactions, ultimately enhance the efficiency and responsiveness of SFTs on the platform.

Furthermore, EYECO is committed to enhancing interoperability, allowing SFTs to seamlessly interact with other blockchain networks and platforms. This will enable users to access and trade SFTs across a broader ecosystem. The world of blockchain comprises multiple networks, each with its strengths and features. EYECO's commitment to increased interoperability represents a significant step toward making SFTs more versatile and accessible.

Regulatory compliance is paramount in the world of digital finance. EYECO's dedication to adhering to regulatory standards ensures that SFTs remain at the forefront of digital finance while providing users with a safe and compliant environment. By focusing on regulatory compliance, EYECO aims to build trust and confidence among users and regulators alike, fostering a secure and sustainable ecosystem for SFTs.


Semi-fungible Tokens (SFTs) are paving the way for a transformative future, and EYECO is a pioneer in this exciting journey. SFTs, with their unique blend of interchangeability and distinctiveness, offer a bridge between the tangible and the digital.

EYECO's innovative approach to SFTs introduces a groundbreaking concept: these tokens retain intrinsic value until linked to platform transactions, providing investors with a secure link to tangible assets. The rigorous verification process for minting ensures that SFTs genuinely represent legitimate real-world assets.

As we peer into the horizon, EYECO envisions a future where SFTs reach new heights. This vision encompasses improved scalability to accommodate a growing user base, enhanced interoperability to seamlessly connect with various blockchain ecosystems, and an unwavering commitment to regulatory compliance; creating a secure and trusted environment for SFTs.

The integration of SFTs into the existing DeFi framework marks a significant moment in the digital finance landscape, unlocking fresh opportunities for financial accessibility and innovation. The journey is just beginning, and EYECO remains at the forefront, leading us into this exciting frontier where the boundaries between the physical and digital worlds blur, and ownership takes on a new and fascinating form.